What my first book is about

What My First Book is About

Beginning the Writing Journey

This is my first blog post on my writing journey. I’m currently halfway through finishing my first novella. My book is a fictional retelling of my pregnancy experiences. For my first book, I wanted to write about something I was passionate about. I want to share a story that means something to me and I know will resonate with those I care about most.

Fictional Retelling of Real Challenges

I am retelling my story in a fictional way to show the challenges of modern pregnancy. The reason I chose fiction instead of a memoir is because I wanted this story to be about culture, not about me.

The main protagonist is a young, naive Hispanic woman. She has a high-risk pregnancy and is living in poverty. There are some similarities to me and the protagonist. We’re both named Ana or Anita as some people call me. We have both experienced pregnancy illnesses. We have both been broke. Everything else in the story doesn’t represent me or my own personal experiences.

My friends from my childhood neighborhood inspired everything else in this short novel. The main character, Anita, isn’t a direct reflection of me, but of the girls I grew up with. She reflects what happened to those ladies I grew up with and how they experienced pregnancy. I discuss the medical, financial, relationship, political, and cultural challenges. Things we all faced in different capacities. I merged these challenges into one character in one story. This story has modern and Hispanic cultural hallmarks. Anyone from my hometown will recognize the sentiments felt in the narrative. I am confident it will give outsiders a new perspective they need.

It’s About The Culture

This story is from a border town barrio. The story is fictional, but the struggles are real and modern. I hope those who need this novella will find it.

I’m submitting this manuscript for traditional publishing in September 2024. If I haven’t made a decision or if no one has picked it up by 2025, I will self-publish this book. Once I submit the manuscript for review, I will be starting my cozy mystery series. I’m planning not one book but a whole series!

What This Blog is About

My plan is to share my writing journey and resources on this blog. I’ve read books on writing that I plan to review. There are resources like writing apps, extensions, and tools that I use on a daily basis that I want to share with you. I hope you’ll be willing to join me for the ride.



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