Ana Karen Perez
Ana Karen Perez, playing guitar

A Little About Me..

Welcome to my writing blog! 

I have two blogs. This blog that’s all about writing and my second blog where I review cozy mysteries: Anita’s Book List. 

If you enjoy cozy mysteries be sure to also check out my YouTube channel @AnitasBookList. 

I am an aspiring cozy mystery writer. While my first novel (not a cozy mystery) is being reviewed by publishers, I’m working on my first cozy mystery. 

On this blog, I will chronicle my writing journey. You may also find some of these blog posts on Medium @AnitasBookList. 

Latest Blog Posts

What My First Book is About

Beginning the Writing Journey This is my first blog post on my writing journey. I’m currently halfway through finishing my first novella. My book is a fictional retelling of my…